Saturday, July 29, 2006

DAYS OFF: July 25th and 26th

On our ride back yesterday it struck me how hard this must be for people who have not done long distance adventures to comprehend doing such mileage. Even for me it was difficult to imagine as we drove back the 300 miles from St. Charles that I just paddled this distance. Yet, while out doing the actual paddle it just did not seem that difficult. Tough to explain, I guess one just has to try it sometime! In fact for those back home, look up the Superior Hiking Trail. Tnis is one of the highest rated trails in the USA. It runs from Duluth to Grand Portage along Lake Superior. My PCT friend, Commodore did this a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. Heck, if you're interested, maybe this old guy would go with you someday, or at least I could give you some suggestions.

Got a little off track there!

Just a couple of notes on my two days off.

On the 25th I just lollygagged! Lay around all day resting my stiff neck, sore back and blistered hands. Never really noticed this while I was paddling. Must be the adrenline wearing off!

Also went to the Kansas City and Baltimore baseball game that evening.

On the 26th Jim and I drove up to the South Dakota spot where I will put in tomorrow below the Gavins Dam. As we drove two things were on my mind. First - this looks like this is going to be a very boring strectch of the river to paddle. Just not much scenery - everything is flat. Second is that tomorrow I will be saying goodbye to Jim. He is special for a number of reasons. He and Ken McGrath were my first two friends and we've been friends ever since that kindergarden experience! Who but a real friend would follow some crazy old guy paddling for a week! I just do not know how to thank him. I do know I will miss him. Good thing is I will see him in two weeks at our son Ryan's memorial golf tournament.


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